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Showing 64 - 72 of 124 result

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Cincin Silver Capung ( Amethyst, Blue Topaz, Green Quartz ) Cincin Silver Capung ( Amethyst, Blue Topaz, Green Quartz )
5 6 7 8
    5 6 7 8
      Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

      COVID-19 tidak hanya merenggut nyawa manusia…

      tapi juga ekonomi masyarakat kecil yang kurang mampu.

      Di seluruh belahan dunia, COVID-19 telah melumpuhkan banyak sektor ekonomi, dan masyarakat kecil terkena imbasnya dengan ikut kehilangan sumber pendapatan mereka. Di saat roda kehidupan mulai melambat dan membeku, hidup ini terus berjalan dan mereka tengah berjuang hanya untuk bertahan hidup..

      Mari berbagi untuk mendukung mereka…

      Dengan membeli koleksi produk Sunaka Jewelry, Anda turut membantu pengrajin perhiasan kami untuk terus bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan. Selain itu, keuntungan dari produk yang Anda beli juga akan kami donasikan bagi masyarakat kecil yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita.

      Mari, kita bergerak bersama!




      Material : 925 Sterling Silver

      Ukuran : 5 , 6, 7, 8

      Warna : Gold

      Permata : Amethyst, Blue Topaz, Green Quartz

      Panjang : 22 mm

      Lebar : 17 mm
      Capung Silver Drop Earrings ( Blue Topaz, Green Quartz, Amethyst ) Capung Silver Drop Earrings ( Blue Topaz, Green Quartz, Amethyst )
      Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

      COVID-19 tidak hanya merenggut nyawa manusia…

      tapi juga ekonomi masyarakat kecil yang kurang mampu.

      Di seluruh belahan dunia, COVID-19 telah melumpuhkan banyak sektor ekonomi, dan masyarakat kecil terkena imbasnya dengan ikut kehilangan sumber pendapatan mereka. Di saat roda kehidupan mulai melambat dan membeku, hidup ini terus berjalan dan mereka tengah berjuang hanya untuk bertahan hidup..

      Mari berbagi untuk mendukung mereka…

      Dengan membeli koleksi produk Sunaka Jewelry, Anda turut membantu pengrajin perhiasan kami untuk terus bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan. Selain itu, keuntungan dari produk yang Anda beli juga akan kami donasikan bagi masyarakat kecil yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita.

      Mari, kita bergerak bersama!




      Material : 925 Sterling Silver

      Warna : Silver, Gold, RoseGold

      Permata : Blue Topaz, Green Quartz, Amethyst

      Panjang : 31 mm

      Lebar : 11 mm
      Capung Bali Silver Exotic Earrings Capung Bali Silver Exotic Earrings

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 tidak hanya merenggut nyawa manusia…

          tapi juga ekonomi masyarakat kecil yang kurang mampu.

          Di seluruh belahan dunia, COVID-19 telah melumpuhkan banyak sektor ekonomi, dan masyarakat kecil terkena imbasnya dengan ikut kehilangan sumber pendapatan mereka. Di saat roda kehidupan mulai melambat dan membeku, hidup ini terus berjalan dan mereka tengah berjuang hanya untuk bertahan hidup..

          Mari berbagi untuk mendukung mereka…

          Dengan membeli koleksi produk Sunaka Jewelry, Anda turut membantu pengrajin perhiasan kami untuk terus bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan. Selain itu, keuntungan dari produk yang Anda beli juga akan kami donasikan bagi masyarakat kecil yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita.

          Mari, kita bergerak bersama!



          Product Detail

          Color : Silver

          Stone Color : Amethyst, Green Quartz, Garnet, Blue Topaz

          Length : 45mm

          Width : 37mm

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 tidak hanya merenggut nyawa manusia…

          tapi juga ekonomi masyarakat kecil yang kurang mampu.

          Di seluruh belahan dunia, COVID-19 telah melumpuhkan banyak sektor ekonomi, dan masyarakat kecil terkena imbasnya dengan ikut kehilangan sumber pendapatan mereka. Di saat roda kehidupan mulai melambat dan membeku, hidup ini terus berjalan dan mereka tengah berjuang hanya untuk bertahan hidup..

          Mari berbagi untuk mendukung mereka…

          Dengan membeli koleksi produk Sunaka Jewelry, Anda turut membantu pengrajin perhiasan kami untuk terus bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan. Selain itu, keuntungan dari produk yang Anda beli juga akan kami donasikan bagi masyarakat kecil yang membutuhkan uluran tangan kita.

          Mari, kita bergerak bersama!



          DETAIL PRODUK:

          Material : 925 Sterling Silver

          Ukuran : 5 , 6, 7, 8

          Warna : Silver

          Permata : Blue Topaz

          Panjang : 20.41 mm

          Lebar : 14.22 mm

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 doesn’t only take away the people from their loved ones..

          but also the income from the poor and marginal society..

          Around the world, COVID-19 has paralyzed many sectors of the economy, including the economy of the marginal society who lost their sources of income. In this toughest time, many of them must still struggle to survive and feed their family.

          As the humankind, let’s share what we have to support them..

          By purchasing Sunaka Jewelry collection, you are helping our silversmith to keep working and earn the income, and a portion of the sales will be donated for those who are struggling economically due to this pandemic.

          We can go through this hard time together!





          Length : 39.98 mm
          Width : 16.79 mm
          Weight : 2.38 gram
          Material: Sterling Silver 925
          Color : Rose Gold Plated

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 doesn’t only take away the people from their loved ones..

          but also the income from the poor and marginal society..

          Around the world, COVID-19 has paralyzed many sectors of the economy, including the economy of the marginal society who lost their sources of income. In this toughest time, many of them must still struggle to survive and feed their family.

          As the humankind, let’s share what we have to support them..

          By purchasing Sunaka Jewelry collection, you are helping our silversmith to keep working and earn the income, and a portion of the sales will be donated for those who are struggling economically due to this pandemic.

          We can go through this hard time together!





          Length : 60.05 mm
          Width : 24.74 mm
          Weight : 5.71 gram
          Material: Sterling Silver 925
          Color : Rose Gold Plated

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 doesn’t only take away the people from their loved ones..

          but also the income from the poor and marginal society..

          Around the world, COVID-19 has paralyzed many sectors of the economy, including the economy of the marginal society who lost their sources of income. In this toughest time, many of them must still struggle to survive and feed their family.

          As the humankind, let’s share what we have to support them..

          By purchasing Sunaka Jewelry collection, you are helping our silversmith to keep working and earn the income, and a portion of the sales will be donated for those who are struggling economically due to this pandemic.

          We can go through this hard time together!





          Length : 60.05 mm
          Width : 24.74 mm
          Weight : 5.71 gram
          Material: Sterling Silver 925
          Color : Silver

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 doesn’t only take away the people from their loved ones..

          but also the income from the poor and marginal society..

          Around the world, COVID-19 has paralyzed many sectors of the economy, including the economy of the marginal society who lost their sources of income. In this toughest time, many of them must still struggle to survive and feed their family.

          As the humankind, let’s share what we have to support them..

          By purchasing Sunaka Jewelry collection, you are helping our silversmith to keep working and earn the income, and a portion of the sales will be donated for those who are struggling economically due to this pandemic.

          We can go through this hard time together!





          Length : 60.05 mm
          Width : 24.74 mm
          Weight : 5.71 gram
          Material: Sterling Silver 925
          Color : Gold Plated

          Let’s Share through #JewelryForCharity

          COVID-19 doesn’t only take away the people from their loved ones..

          but also the income from the poor and marginal society..

          Around the world, COVID-19 has paralyzed many sectors of the economy, including the economy of the marginal society who lost their sources of income. In this toughest time, many of them must still struggle to survive and feed their family.

          As the humankind, let’s share what we have to support them..

          By purchasing Sunaka Jewelry collection, you are helping our silversmith to keep working and earn the income, and a portion of the sales will be donated for those who are struggling economically due to this pandemic.

          We can go through this hard time together!





          Length : 20.41 mm
          Width : 14.22 mm
          Weight : 13.8 gram
          Material: Sterling Silver 925
          Color : Rose Gold Plated
          Translation missing: